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Chicken - Health Benfits


1Ahh, the humble chicken. Boil it, grill it, stick it in a stew, mix it with pretty much any flavour you want and it will taste good. Chicken has been a popular part of our diet for thousands of years. One of the main reasons we’ve continued to eat it, all over the world in almost every culture, is due to its numerous health benefits. The nutritional value of chicken can’t be underestimated. It’s a brilliant source of some really important vitamins and minerals that help us grow and stay healthy. 

 In this article we will tell you all about these health benefits. From reducing stress levels, increasing immunity,lowering cholesterol levels, promoting weight loss to slowing cognitive decline and manymore, read till the end to learn about all of them. 

Reduced Risk Of Heart Disease: 

Chicken isrich in vitamin B6 which lowers the amounts of homocysteine in your body. Homocysteine is one of the major contributors associated with increased risk for heart disease and heart attacks. Chicken also contains considerable amounts of cholesterol lowering niacin, and as you probably know high cholesterol is a leading cause of heart attack and stroke. Another heart healthy benefit from chicken is that it is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, a known antioxidant with cardiovascular benefits. 

Reduced Stress Levels: 

Chicken contains tryptophanwhich produces a calming, even restful or sleepy effect on people after eating it. It also contains vitamin B5 also known asthe anti-stress vitamin or pantothenic acid. This also helps regulate the secretion of cortisol and aids in the production of stress relieving hormones. Clinical studies have found that vitamin B5 also helps to reduce depression and anxiety, relieve migraines, and help people who are trying to quit drinking or smoking. Enjoying this list so far? 

Slower Cognitive Decline: 

Chicken is a rich source of a Vitamin B called Niacin. Niacin helps your body in fighting against all the forms of DNA damage as well as cancer. It is also loaded with Vitamin B3, which is essential for your cognitive system. Deficiency of Vitamin B3, especially Niacin can cause genetic damage.So, eating chicken in the right amount can help to prevent the weakening of genes as well as cognitive decline which is significantly caused due to ageing. Also, chicken helps in keeping age related diseases like Alzheimer’s away. 

Stronger Muscles: 

Chicken is commonly associatedwith gym goers, and there is a good reason for that. It is one of the best sources of high quality protein, which are composed of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of muscle tissue. Chicken is a lean meat, meaning that it hasa higher percentage of protein and lower fat content than other meats. A 100 gram portion of roast chicken contains 31 grams of protein, making it ideal for those looking to add muscle to their body. 

Better Immunity: 

Whether you have a cold orthe flu, chicken is often part of the recovery meal. The reason for this is that chicken helps boost the immunity of your body. The hot vapors rising from chicken soup help in clearing the nasal passage, while the thick soup coats the throat, preventing the invasion by microbes on the respiratory lining. It has also been found that chicken soup greatly inhabits neutrophil migration, reducing inflammation and improving immunity.

 Protection Against Anemia:

 Anemia is a troubling health problem that should not be taken lightly. You can treat it by eating foods enriched with iron. Iron is widely found in chicken’s liver. It also has a high content of vitamins such as Vitamin A, E and K that contribute to producing red blood cells. When your body obtains the required amount of iron and vitamins, it can produce and balance red blood cells that will eventually deal with anemia. However, in case of severe deficiency, it is suggested that you consult with your doctor and refrain from self medication. 

Better Oral Health:

 Chicken is loaded with phosphorus, which makes it really beneficial for your oral health. This is because Phosphorous has been known to strengthen your teeth and gums. When you eat Phosphorus regularly, it can alleviate factors that weaken your teeth and prevent gums bleeding as well. However, if you observe constant blood in your gums, consult with your doctor as it may be a serious oral problem. 

Lower Cholesterol Levels: 

As we mentioned earlier, chicken contains vitamin B3, also known as niacin, which is responsible for converting carbohydrates to energy and maintaining healthy body cells. It has also shown to reduce cholesterol levels and risk of heart diseases in those who have high cholesterol. The amount of saturated fat and cholesterol found in red meat such as beef, pork, and lamb are much higher than the levels found in chicken, fish, and vegetables. So, it is advisable to eat chicken instead of red meat for a lowered risk of cholesterol and subsequent heart disease development. Eating chicken must be limited to normal levels,as excessive consumption can also lead to the development of heart disease. 

Faster Weight Loss: 

Chicken is a great food for weight loss It has been linked to a lower likelihood of becoming over weight or obeseas part of a vegetable-rich diet. Research suggests that eating a high-protein diet can help you lose weight, and chicken can certainly play a central role in helping you eat more protein. Researchers suspect that high-protein diets can help you feel fuller, something that will help you eat fewer calories and carbs at the next meal. Ideally, eating 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal can decrease appetite, help you maintain a healthy weight, and improve cardiometabolic risk factors like triglycerides, blood pressure, and waist circumference.That said, how you cook the chicken matters. Methods like baking, roasting, or grilling are far more weight-friendly compared with deep frying or eating highly processed chicken products like chicken nuggets. 

Healthier Tissue Growth: 

Many of you may face problems of chapped lips, cracked mouth, sore tongue, or dry skin in the winter. However, if you eat chicken or chicken liver,these issues will be considerably reduced. That is because the chicken and chicken liver contain riboflavin which is a type of vitamin B2, can work to repel dry skin and repair damaged tissues in your body.

 Improved Eyesight: 

Chicken flesh comes with high levels of retinol, alpha and beta-carotene, and lycopene. All of these substances are derived from vitamin A, so they are very beneficial for eyesight. In fact, eating chicken can contribute tostabilizing and maintaining your vision’s health. So, you should certainly add chicken to your daily diet on a regular basis for good, particularly if you are living with eye problems. 

Lower Cancer Risk: 

Chicken is a great source of selenium, a trace element that has been shown to fight cancer. Selenium is also thought to have a positive effect on the incidence of other degenerative diseases, including inflammatory diseases,cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases and infections. Selenium is an antioxidant that has a positive effect on the activity of vitamins C and E in their ability to fight cancer-promoting free radicals. Chicken contains 24 micrograms of selenium per 3-ounce portion, or 44 percent of the selenium you need daily. 

Better Protection Against Depression

Large amounts of the amino acid called tryptophan present in chicken has a soothing effect on your nervous system. And it can stimulate and improve your sleep as well. In fact, if you feel depressed, you just need to eat dishes which are mainly made with chicken. This will increase the levels of serotoninin your brain. This will enhance your mood, reduce and easy the stress, and relieve the depression that you are suffering. In fact, large quantities of vitamin B3 contained in chicken can help improve your mood effectively, especially in cold winter days. You just need to boil or roast a small chicken,and you are about to have a nutritious meal which supports you well in the battle against depression, stress, and anxiety. This is actually one of the best health benefits of chicken that not many people know of.

 Protect You From Common Cold: 

Chicken is regarded as one of the most traditional options for curing common cold. It helps to relieve common symptoms of these infections, including sore throat or congested nose. In addition, the presence of tryptophan can help you feel comfortable when you are sick. Chicken also possesses anti-depressant quality,which is very effective for the treatment of common colds. Studies have shown that the Intake of warm chicken soup provides relief from the common cold, including symptoms like a congested nose and a sore throat. 

Better Metabolism:

Thanks to its high selenium content, chicken is ideal when it comes to improving your metabolic system. In addition, it also helps in thyroid and hormonal problems. The presence of Vitamin B6 also helps to accelerate your metabolism. This helps to keep your energy levels high while burning calories which is recommended for maintaining a healthy weight. How often do you eat chicken? Which is your favourite chicken dish? Let us know in the comments section below! 

Thanks for reading.

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