17 best foods to help you weight loss goals.
Did you know that slashing as many calories from your diet as possible is not the most optimal way to lose weight? Instead, loading your diet with whole, healthy foods that fill you up is a much better option. These foods also boost your energy so you can crush it at the gym, prevent you from unhealthy snacking and even provide enough calories to keep your metabolism chugging right along.
we will tell you what these foods are. From Greek Yogurt, Spinach, Almonds to Blueberries and many more, stay to find out about all of them!
Almonds: Think of each almond as a natural weight-loss pill. A study of over-weight and obese adults found that, combined with a calorie-restricted diet, eating a little more than a quarter cup of Almonds can decrease weight more effectively than a snack comprised of complex carbohydrates and safflower oil, after just two weeks! What’s more, after 24 weeks, those who ate almonds experienced a 62% greater reduction in weight and Body Mass Index. For optimal results, eat your daily serving before you exercise or workout. Another study found that almonds are alsorich in the amino acid L-arginine which can actually help you burn more fat and carbs during workouts.
Raspberries: Raspberries contain one of the highest amounts of fiber per serving which is a whopping 8 grams of fiber for just 64 calories in one cup. Eating a diet high in fiber helps to boost metabolism which can help you burn more calories. Try adding it to a morning Greek yogurt, oatmeal,or bed of leafy greens, like spinach.
Eggs: Eggs are a popular food, particularly for breakfast, that may help promote weight loss. In a small study, researchers compared the effects of eating eggs or eating a bagel for breakfast on food intake, hunger, and satisfaction. They also looked at levels of blood sugar,insulin, and ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone. They found that men who had eaten the egg breakfast ate significantly less at their next meal, and in the following 24 hours,than those who had eaten the bagel breakfast. Those who had eaten the eggs also reported feeling less hungry and more satisfied 3 hours after breakfast than those who had eaten the bagel. After breakfast, the egg group also had less of a change in their blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as lower ghrelin levels than the bagel group.
Salmon: Salmon is incredibly healthy and very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with relatively few calories. It is also loaded with high-quality protein,healthy fats and various important nutrients like iodine. Iodine is necessary for proper thyroid function,which is important to keep your metabolism running optimally. Salmon is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids,which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, known to play a major role in obesity and metabolic disease.
Avocado: Avocados are rich in mono unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, potassium and phytochemicals which makes them one of the healthiest foods around. People who eat avocados tend to have lower BMI, body weight and waist circumference than people who skip this green superfood, as pera study. While avocados are higher in calories than other fruits and vegetables, their satisfying fat and fiber combo may help you slim down.
Apples: Apples contain pectin, which naturally slows digestion and encourages feelings of fullness. Studies have shown that a whole apple eaten with your meal acts as a natural appetite suppressant, helping you consume fewer overall calories without feeling deprived. Apples are also a good source of antioxidants,vitamin C, and fiber which can help you feel full for a longer period of time. Just be sure not to skip the skin, which contains much of the fruit's nutritional benefits.
Spinach: This green veggie is a weight loss superstar and easy to incorporate into almost anything you're eating like smoothies, salads,and wraps. Spinach is low in carbs and high in fiber,so you can eat a large volume of it for few calories. Plus, it contains many vital nutrients like vitamins A, K, C, E, copper, manganese, iron and calcium which hit all the marks to ensure you meet your daily requirements for weight loss. A recent study showed that spinach extract contains green leaf membranes called which can boost weight loss by 43 percent and isable to curb food cravings by up to 95 percent.
Dark Chocolate: Dark Chocolate contains flavonoidsand polyphenols, both of which have strong potential health benefits. For one, eating dark chocolate twice a week has been linked to lower BMI, according to a study. A small square of chocolate can satisfy a sugar craving while keeping calories in check. People who ate modest amounts of dark chocolatehad better mood and activity levels, ate more fruits and vegetables, and ate less saturated fat.
Green Tea: Even though green tea does not contain a lot of caffeine, it does contain any where from 25-50 mg of caffeine per cup. However, green tea also contains Catechins that are scientifically proven for their ability to reduce visceral fat naturally. A randomized controlled trial consisting of both men and women showed that the continuous ingestion of a Green Tea Extract high in catechinsled to a reduction in body fat, and LDL cholesterol and, therefore, contributing to a decreasein obesity and cardiovascular disease risks.
Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains essential fatty acids known as Medium Chain Fatty Acids. Studies continue to show that these fatty acids can keep you full longer, allowing you to eat significantly less per day. Another study showed that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity.
Grapefruit: Grapefruit is fairly well known as a weight loss food thanks to the popularity of the grapefruit diet. But it turns out there may be some good research to back up grapefruit’s reputation as a fat fighter. A study investigated the effect of grapefruit on weight loss and found that eating half a grapefruit before a meal can actually help people drop weight. Researchers studied the effects of grapefruit capsules, grapefruit juice and real grapefruit. All three seemed to help, but the folks eating the real grapefruit got the best results. As an added benefit, grapefruit contains cancer-fighting compounds like liminoids and lycopene, and red grapefruit has been shown to help lower triglycerides. Plus, half a grapefruit has only 39 calories!
Oats: Oats are a perfect breakfast food to aid weight loss. They are high in soluble fibre and, unlike most other grains, they’re high in protein, meaning that they keep you fuller for longer. They are also low on the glycaemic index,so they don't cause a surge in your blood sugar levels that can make you crave snacks.
Cayenne Pepper: Who knew there was a connection between a spicy pepper scorching your mouth and powering weight loss? Well, according to a study, daily consumption of one of the compounds called capsaicin found in pepper speeds up abdominal fat loss by boosting your body's ability to convert food into energy. It also acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Another study found that people who ate spicy appetizers consumed 200 fewer calories at later meals than those that did not. All you have to do to reap the benefits isuse a pinch of cayenne pepper to season grilled fish, meats, and eggs.
Black Beans: For starters, beans are a greatsource of resistant starch, a type of slow-digesting, insoluble fiber that feeds the healthy bacteriain your gut, triggering the production of the chemical butyrate, which encourages the body to burn fat as fuel and reduces fat-causing inflammation. They're also one of the top sources of soluble fiber. A recent study found that for every additional10 grams of soluble fiber eaten per day, a study subject's belly fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years. One cup of black beans contains an impressive 4.8 grams of soluble fiber.
Cottage Cheese: This often over looked gemis loaded with protein, filling fats, and calcium to help you build and repair muscles,which can aid in weight loss. It tastes really good with fruit, on whole grain toast, oatmeal or salads. The super high protein content which is 13grams per 1/2 cup serving, helps to keep you full in between meals.
Quinoa: As far as grains go, quinoa is a goodone to have around if you're looking to lose weight. It's packed with protein and fiber and contains approximately 220 calories per cup. What's more? Quinoa is one of the few plant foods that offer a complete set of amino acids, meaning it can be converted directly into muscle by your body.
Turmeric: Turmeric is loaded with circumin,which gives it a yellow color. A study found that curcumin is naturally anti-inflammatory and therefore helps fight against obesity and insulin resistance. More importantly, the curcumin in turmerichas also been found to improve both memory and mood.
Which foods on the list would you make a part of your daily diet? Do you have a favourite on this list? Let us know in the comments section below!
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